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Beaders Secret

The Professionals Choice

0.36mm Mini Eye Flexi Australian Made Twisted Wire Beading Needle

AUD 6.00 each

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A Package of Australian Made Flexible Stainless Steel Twisted-Wire Beading Needles with a diameter of 0.36mm and a length of either 63mm (~2 1/2")

These Mini eye easy thread hand needles are ideal for Gemstone Beads and Pearls.


When in use the collapsible big eye of this needle makes it easy to thread on your pearl or beads.

These flexible needles are ideal when working with clasps and fittings that require abrupt changes of direction and or have very little space to work within. eg tassel caps and bar clasps. Sometimes a springy needle can have too much "bounce" and this works against you, rather than for you.


A must have beading tool from Beaders Secret to have in your jewelry making supplies.


● 0.36mm Diameter
● Sold in packages of twelve (12) or thirty (30)
● length 63mm (~2 1/2")
● Eye created on a 1.6mm (1/16") former


Beaders Secret Australian Made Twisted Wire Needles are available in:
● Two wire styles, Springy or Flexible,
● In four thicknesses for both Springy and Flexible,
● Two lengths, and Two eye sizes.


No need to compromise on choice of needle. With 16 variations, you are sure to find the right size and strength for the task in hand and your individual preferences


● Most orders sent same day, or next business day
● All orders sent with tracking number